Table list

When the ATL is first opened, the table list is positioned at the top right of the screen. You can change the size and location of the list, which will be saved for the next time you open the ATL. To return to the default setting, hold down the Shift key while opening the ATL.

All tables are displayed, but tables without a primary key will be inoperable and are displayed with a gray background.

For large databases (~ 200 tables and above), ATL will require time to analyze the catalog at first launch, and will not be immediately available. Discovery progress will be visible in real time, with new tables sorted as they come in. The display will be faster for subsequent openings in the same session.

However, you can interrupt table discovery by entering a string in the search box. Tables matching the search will be displayed immediately and can be used. Normal catalog discovery will resume once the search zone has been cleared.

The search field for filtering table names uses the “contains” syntax (@value@).

To open a table, double-click on it, or use the Return or Enter keys. You can open several tables at once by creating a selection of contiguous or separate lines, using these keys.

There's nothing to stop you opening the same table several times. Each double-click will open a new window.

As the number of open windows can quickly become large, you can :

  • bring them all to the foreground by clicking on the eye-shaped button
  • bring a specific table to the foreground using the drop-down menu just to the right of this first button
  • close all open windows without closing the ATL with the 3rd cross-shaped button

Clicking on the close box or Ctrl/Cmd+W closes all ATL windows.